Thursday, September 30, 2010

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

Age Level: Teen
Format: Book

Sophie is the eldest of three daughters, which makes her the unluckiest and the one destined to remain at home working in her father's hat shop while her sisters seek their own fortune. One day, the Witch of the Waste enters the shop and turns Sophie into an old woman, thus making Sophie venture out to seek whatever fortune she can find. She decides to go to Wizard Howl for help, who doesn't exactly have the best reputation but may be the only one who can help her break the Witch's curse. Living with Howl and trying to figure out a way to break the spell gives Sophie the adventure of a lifetime.

I absolutely loved this book! There's humor, romance, a touch of the supernatural and plenty of action and fun. I enjoyed the wide range of characters and watching them develop as the story progressed. Those who enjoy the Harry Potter series may want to take a look at this - both have characters who seek their own identity, do a little magic and go on amazing adventures.

Howl's Moving Castle is the first in a series. Check it out today!

Reviewed by Jessica

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