Saturday, August 1, 2009

Illegal by Paul Levine

Age Level: Adult
Format: Book

Trial lawyer Jimmy Payne is known to break the rules, especially after a horrific tragedy that left him scarred physically and emotionally. So, when forced to be part of a sting operation to take down a corrupt judge, Payne has no problem taking some of the bribe money and running. Payne does not get far in his plan when he finds a Mexican boy, Tino Perez, who lost his mother while crossing the US border illegally. Payne and Tino join forces to search for Tino’s mother, and along the way, discover corruption and how far some people will go for greed.

From cover to cover, this novel takes readers on a non-stop thrill ride. While some of the situations are a bit predictable, there are a few occurrences in the book that did surprise me and made me keep reading. Despite his many flaws, Jimmy Payne is a likable character; you can’t help but root for him, because he does show compassion and has faced adversity and tragedy.
Levine also writes about a timely social issue from different perspectives, ranging from law enforcement in charge of keeping illegal immigrants from crossing the borders to those who do cross and the plight they face. Some of the more vivid scenes in the novel take place in stash houses for the illegal immigrants or descriptions of their working environments.

Fans of contemporary thrillers will enjoy reading this novel. I can’t wait to read the next Jimmy Payne thriller!

Reviewed by Jessica

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